
Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the National Fitness Plan (2021-2025)



State Council on Issuing the National Fitness Plan

(2021-2025) Notice

State Development (2021) No. 11

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all directly affiliated institutions:

The "National Fitness Plan (2021-2025)" is now printed and distributed to you. Please implement it in light of the actual conditions of your region and department.

State Council

July 18, 2021

(This piece is publicly released)

National Fitness Program


During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the National Fitness National Strategy has been implemented in depth. The public service level of national fitness has been significantly improved. The facilities of national fitness facilities have gradually increased. The people's enthusiasm for promoting health through fitness is increasing. The proportion of people participating in physical exercise reached 37.2%, and a new step was taken in the construction of a healthy China and a sports power. At the same time, problems such as the unbalanced development of the national fitness area and the insufficient supply of public services still exist. In order to promote the development of a higher level of national fitness and better meet the people's fitness and health needs, this plan is formulated in accordance with the National Fitness Regulations.

1. General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Plenary Sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. China's strategy and the national strategy of national fitness for all, accelerate the construction of a sports power, build a higher-level public service system for national fitness, and give full play to the role of national fitness in improving people's health, promoting all-round development of people, promoting economic and social development, and demonstrating the soft power of national culture Comprehensive value and multiple functions in other aspects.

(2) Development goals. By 2025, the national fitness public service system will be more complete, the people's physical fitness will be more convenient, fitness enthusiasm will be further improved, the number of participants in various sports will continue to increase, and the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise will reach 38.5%, counties (cities, districts), towns (Street), administrative village (community) three-level public fitness facilities and community 15-minute fitness circle have achieved full coverage. There are 2.16 social sports instructors per 1,000 people, which has driven the total scale of the national sports industry to 5 trillion yuan.

2. Main tasks

(3) Increasing the supply of fitness facilities for all citizens. Formulate the overall plan for the construction of the national trail system and guidance on the construction of sports parks, supervise the development of a five-year action plan for the construction of fitness facilities to make up for the shortcomings, and implement the project to make up for the shortcomings of the national fitness facilities. Invigorate free urban land, make good use of non-profit construction land, support land supply through lease, advocate mixed land use, fully tap the potential of existing construction land, and plan and build sites and facilities that are close to the community and are easily accessible. Build or rebuild or expand more than 2,000 sports parks, national fitness centers, public stadiums and other fitness facilities, supplement more than 5,000 township (street) national fitness venues, build a batch of mass skating rinks, and digitally upgrade more than 1,000 Public stadiums.

Carry out public stadium opening service improvement actions, control the number of large stadiums, establish and improve stadium operation and management mechanisms, renovate and improve stadium hardware facilities, make a plan for the emergency refuge (risk) function conversion of stadiums, and improve the efficiency of stadium use. Strengthen the evaluation and supervision of the open use of public stadiums, optimize the performance management methods of free or low-fee opening of the stadiums, and increase the performance evaluation of the stadiums open to young people, the elderly, and the disabled. Do a good job in opening up school sports venues to the society under the conditions of normalization of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

(4) Extensively carry out national fitness events. Carry out mass events for the National Games, hold the National Fitness Conference, and the National Community Games. Continue to carry out national New Year's climbing, commemorating Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription "Develop sports and enhance people's fitness", National Fitness Day, "Walking the Grand Canal" National Fitness Walking, Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival, popularization of mass winter sports and other thematic activities. Consolidate and expand the achievements of "300 million people participating in ice and snow sports", vigorously develop the "three major ball" sports, and promote the popularization of county football. Formulate sports competition guidelines and participation guidelines, organize amateur sports leagues, popularize sports culture, and develop sports populations. Support the holding of various sports events for the disabled, and carry out sports and fitness activities integrating the disabled and the health. Support all localities to use their own resource advantages to cultivate national fitness event brands, encourage Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu-Chongqing area, and other regions to jointly build national fitness event event brands, and promote national fitness competition activities among regions develop.

(5) Improve the level of scientific fitness guidance services. Implement national physical fitness monitoring, national physical exercise standards, and national fitness activities survey systems. Opened an online scientific fitness lecture hall. Encourage sports stars and other sports professionals to participate in fitness science activities. Collect and promote sports science works to promote the research and popularization of scientific fitness knowledge and methods. Develop a sports level rating standard and evaluation system for the general public. Deepen the reform of the social sports instructor management system, appropriately lower the barriers to entry, expand the size of the team, and increase the rate of guidance service and the level of scientific fitness guidance service. Carry forward the spirit of national fitness volunteer service, carry out online and offline volunteer services, launch national fitness volunteer service projects with local characteristics, and build a national fitness volunteer service brand.

(6) Stimulate the vitality of sports social organizations. Improve the nationwide fitness organization network with sports associations at all levels as the hub, various individual, industry and crowd sports associations at all levels as the support, and grassroots sports organizations as the main body. Focus on strengthening the construction of grassroots sports organizations, encourage sports associations to extend to townships (sub-districts), and all kinds of sports social organizations to sink into administrative villages (communities). Increase the government's purchase of sports social organization services, and guide sports social organizations to participate in the government's purchase of public services for national fitness. Provide support for venues, coaches, training, and rating for voluntary national fitness social organizations such as the "Three Big Balls", table tennis, badminton, cycling, and running with stable teams, active organizations, and high professionalism. Take the promotion of sports as the main evaluation index of individual sports associations.

(7) Promote the development of fitness activities for key groups. Implement the youth sports promotion plan, promote the youth sports "health package" project, carry out sports interventions for youth myopia, obesity and other problems, reasonably adjust the standards of facilities and equipment suitable for minors, and set up public sports facilities in communities, parks, and Public places such as green spaces are equipped with equipment and facilities suitable for the development of large movements and physical exercise of preschool children. Improve fitness facilities to adapt to aging, research and promote sports fitness and leisure programs suitable for the elderly, and organize sports events suitable for the elderly. Improve the barrier-free environment of public fitness facilities and carry out rehabilitation and fitness activities for the disabled. Promote fitness activities for farmers, women and other groups.

(8) Promote the high-quality development of the sports industry. Optimize the industrial structure and accelerate the formation of a modern sports industry system led by fitness, leisure and competition performances, and integrated development of high-end manufacturing and modern service industries. Promote the digital transformation of the sports industry, encourage sports companies to "go to the cloud and use numbers to empower intelligence", and promote data-enabled coordinated transformation of the entire industry chain. Promote the concentration of sports resources in high-quality enterprises, cultivate a group of "specialized and special new" small and medium-sized enterprises, "gazelles" enterprises and "hidden champion" enterprises in the fields of fitness facility supply, event organization, fitness equipment research and development and manufacturing, and encourage conditions The enterprise aims to become stronger, better and bigger with the goal of single champion enterprise. Vigorously develop the sports industry, actively cultivate sports industries such as outdoor sports and smart sports, and give birth to more new products, new formats, and new models. On the basis of the national sports consumption pilot cities, select a number of national sports consumption demonstration cities, give full play to the role of pilot cities and demonstration cities, encourage local areas to innovate sports consumption policies, mechanisms, models, and products, and increase the supply of high-quality sports products and services. Promote the return of high-end sports consumption.

(9) Promote the integrated development of national fitness. Deepen the integration of sports and education. Improve the school physical education model to ensure that students have 1 hour of physical activity time inside and outside the school every day. Integrate various types of youth sports events at all levels, and improve the system of youth sports events divided into different sections and across regions. Intensify efforts to build high-level sports teams in schools with traditional sports characteristics, various types of sports schools at all levels, and colleges and universities, and vigorously train physical education teachers and coaches. Standardize the construction of youth sports social organizations and encourage and support the development of youth sports clubs.

Promote the integration of body and health. Explore the establishment of a sports and health promotion model in which departments such as sports, health and health are coordinated and the whole society participates together. Promote the extension of physical and health integration service institutions to the grassroots level, and support the establishment of scientific fitness clinics in community medical and health institutions. Promote physical and health integration theory, technology and practice innovation, and promote common chronic disease exercise intervention projects and methods. Promote the typical experience of the integration of sports and health.

Promote the integration of sports and travel. Through popularization and promotion of outdoor sports such as ice and snow, mountain outdoor, aviation, water, marathon, bicycle, car and motorcycle, construct and improve related facilities, and expand the supply of sports tourism products and services. Create a number of influential sports tourism boutique routes, boutique events and demonstration bases, guide the construction of national sports tourism demonstration zones, and help rural revitalization.

(10) Create a social atmosphere for national fitness. Popularize the national fitness culture, increase the creation and delivery of public service advertisements, vigorously promote the spirit of sports, and tell the story of mass fitness. Strengthen national fitness incentives, explore the establishment of a nationally unified "sports bank" system and personal sports codes, develop a unified scientific sports points system, issue certificates to national physical exercise standards and sports level standards, and encourage the distribution of sports to the masses Coupons. Carry out the creation of model cities and model counties (cities, districts) for national sports and fitness. Strengthen international exchanges on fitness for all, co-organize fitness events for all with countries that jointly build the "Belt and Road", promote traditional Chinese sports such as martial arts, dragon boats, go, and Health Qigong to "go out", and encourage and support local and foreign sister cities to carry out national fitness comminicate.

3. Safeguard Measures

(11) Strengthen organization and leadership. Strengthen the party's overall leadership of the national fitness work, give full play to the role of the joint meeting of the people's governments at all levels, and promote the improvement of the national fitness work mechanism led by the government, social coordination, public participation, and guaranteed by the rule of law. Local people's governments at or above the county level should incorporate the national fitness program into the economic and social development plan at the same level, formulate an implementation plan for national fitness in the region, improve the diversified investment mechanism, and encourage social forces to participate in the construction of the national fitness public service system. The General Administration of Sports shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, carry out follow-up evaluation, supervision and guidance of the implementation of the people's governments of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government).

(12) Zhuang Daquan people fitness talent team. Innovate the training model of national fitness talents, and give play to the role of the Internet and other scientific and technological means in talent training. Strengthen the training and supply of talents in fitness guidance, organization and management, technology research and development, publicity and promotion, and voluntary services. Unblock all kinds of training channels, guide and support social forces to participate in the training of national fitness talents, and form a diversified national fitness talent training system and scientific evaluation mechanism. Actively and steadily promote the job title evaluation of coaches who guide mass fitness.

(13) Strengthen the security of national fitness. Strengthen the supervision of the safe operation of various fitness facilities, encourage the deployment of first-aid equipment in public sports venues, and ensure that the opening services of various public sports facilities meet the standards of epidemic prevention, emergency response, evacuation, product quality and fire safety. Establish a safety precaution and emergency protection mechanism for national fitness events. Establish a hierarchical management and control system for outdoor sports safety. Implement a network security level protection system, and strengthen the security protection of the national fitness-related information system and the protection of personal information. Adhere to prevention and control first, adhere to dynamic adjustments, and coordinate the organization of events and the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

(14) Provide intelligent services for national fitness. Promote the development of online and smart sports events, and support the development of new sports such as smart fitness, cloud events, and virtual sports. Develop a national community sports activity management service system, build a national fitness information service platform and an electronic map of public sports facilities, promote the establishment of a national fitness information service platform at the provincial and municipal levels, and provide services such as fitness facility inquiry and reservation, sports training registration, fitness guidance, etc. , And gradually form a national fitness intelligent service mechanism with timely information release, convenient service acquisition, and efficient information feedback.

